* WikiGenDex: A new gender identification algorithm based on open sources





Gender identification, Names, Bibliometrics, Gender and science, Algorithms, Open sources, Open access


Given the limitations found in other name-based gender assignment algorithms, we present a new algorithm based on open sources: WikiGenDex. This algorithm is based on information from Wikidata and the World Gender Name Dictionary (belonging to the World Intellectual Property Organization). Throughout the note we explain its mechanism, validate its operation, offer an example and a tutorial to use it with any name database.

Author Biographies

Elvira González-Salmón, Universidad de Granada

Nicolás Robinson-García, Universidad de Granada


González-Salmón, Elvira; Robinson-García, Nicolás (2023). “A call for transparency in gender assignment approaches”. In review in Scientometrics. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10036331

González-Salmón, Elvira; Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida; Robinson-García, Nicolás (2024). “The woman’s researcher tale: A review of bibliometric methods and results for studying gender in science”. U-CHASS White papers #1. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10590300

Tripodi, Francesca (2023). “Ms. categorized: Gender, notability, and inequality on Wikipedia”. New media & society, v. 25, n. 7, pp. 1687-1707. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448211023772



How to Cite

González-Salmón, E., & Robinson-García, N. (2024). * WikiGenDex: A new gender identification algorithm based on open sources. Infonomy, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.3145/infonomy.24.010