Facebook, X and Instagram: beyond free. The true cost of social media





Digital ecosystem, User attention, Precision profiling, Advertising evolution, Ethical considerations, Public figures, Deceptive campaigns, Corporate indifference, Information society, Market strategies, Society of the spectacle, Social networks, Social media, Facebook, X, Instagram


In this analysis, we draw upon the thoughts of Debord, Baudrillard, and McLuhan to unravel how the screen's evolution from a mere medium to a complex digital ecosystem has succeeded in capturing, and potentially subjugating, user attention. This dynamic enables the titans of the information society to profile users with precision, using this information for the calculated distribution of advertising, thereby manufacturing previously non-existent needs. At first glance, this might be interpreted as the natural evolution of advertising into the digital realm. However, it becomes problematic when digital platforms, from a position of authority, knowingly promote advertising that could be deemed unethical, including the use of public figures in deceptive campaigns. When these tactics are exposed, the corporate response is often one of indifference. This scenario invites reflection on the underlying interests of these practices and the ethics of market strategies in the digital sphere, raising critical questions about responsibility and morality in the information age. In our case study, we will focus on social network X, although this practice can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Author Biography

Alfonso Vázquez-Atochero, Universidad de Extremadura


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Atochero, A. (2024). Facebook, X and Instagram: beyond free. The true cost of social media. Infonomy, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.3145/infonomy.24.022