Design of the Research Data Management service at the Francisco José de Caldas District University: proposal from the Library System
Research data management, RDM, Services design, Open science, LibrariesAbstract
Research data management has involved early and immediate actions in higher education institutions in Colombia and around the world. In August 2022, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia published the National Open Science Policy, in which its goals and strategies express the implementation of research data management services and data repository. This research defines the research data management service at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, a public university with a population of about 28,000 students and more than 200 research groups. Through the TOPE reference methodology (Tecnology, Organization, People, Environment) an urgent need to define policies, training and accompanying strategies for the management of research data was identified, as well as support for research bodies and libraries within the institution; the diagnosis of research data published by researchers of the institution allowed to identify 599 datasets published in the last 12 years in different repositories as Mendeley Data, Zenodo, SiB Colombia - GBIF Colombia for, finally, define, using the Business Process Management Notation methodology, the approach of the institution-wide research data management service. This research poses a scenario of response to national policy and establishes new routes aimed at developing a level of maturity at the institutional level regarding the management of research data in an open science context.
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