Academic writing course. Taking notes with the Zettelkasten method and Zotero




Active reading, Note-taking, Zettelkasten method, Zotero, Academic writing


This article is the third piece of a course on academic writing, focusing on the importance of active reading and note-taking using the software Zotero. It emphasizes the need for conscious and deliberate engagement with specialized literature, highlighting how notes serve as indicators of critical thinking and essential tools for knowledge construction. The Zettelkasten method of annotation is presented, promoting non-hierarchical organization and interconnection of ideas, fostering critical analysis and the generation of new insights. Additionally, a taxonomy of note types is offered based on their retention time, level of reading, and technique used. The article details how to implement the Zettelkasten method in Zotero, leveraging its advanced functionalities for reading, annotation, and organization of notes, making it an integral tool for academic writers.

Author Biography

Daniel Torres-Salinas, Universidad de Granada


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How to Cite

Torres-Salinas, D. (2024). Academic writing course. Taking notes with the Zettelkasten method and Zotero . Infonomy, 2(5).