Hidden power: Control, polarization and dehumanization in contemporary politics
Polarization, Social unrest, Dehumanization, Ideological reductionism, Mass control, Commodification of conflict, Citizen participation, Politics, MediaAbstract
Contemporary society is increasingly trapped in a spiral of polarization and social unrest, which undermines constructive dialogue and fosters division. Public debates are often reduced to ideological confrontations, where nuanced perspectives are lost in favor of extreme positions. This polarization is not accidental but rather the result of deliberate mechanisms of power that manipulate perceptions and reinforce existing structures through media strategies, political narratives, and the commodification of social conflicts. This essay examines the dynamics driving these tensions, beginning with the role of mass control as a tool for maintaining power. It explores how these mechanisms contribute to the dehumanization of individuals, transforming them into mere cogs in a system designed to sustain the dominance of a privileged few. It further analyzes ideological reductionism as a method of dividing societies, fostering an environment ripe for hatred and confrontation. Additionally, the essay delves into the impact of biased headlines in shaping polarized opinions, the political circus that normalizes hostility, and the commodification of social conflict, where division becomes a profitable spectacle. The role of social indifference is also scrutinized as an unintentional ally in perpetuating these dynamics. In contrast to this bleak landscape, the essay concludes by exploring potential solutions. It considers the historical tendency toward continuity and obedience to leadership while presenting pathways for change, such as critical education, citizen participation, and innovative political organization. The possibility of breaking the vicious cycle of polarization is presented as a challenge that requires collective effort and a reimagining of societal values. By addressing these themes, the essay invites readers to reflect on the current challenges and opportunities for transformation in a world increasingly shaped by division and conflict.References
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