Lessons learned from thirty years of digital transformation in journalism: more planning and less improvisation needed
Digital journalism, High-Tech journalism, Artificial intelligence, Digital transformation, Innovation, Evolution, Trends, Sustainable media, Audiences, Business models, Digital communication, RecommendationsAbstract
Digital journalism has consolidated its role as an institution in the network society. Afflicted by the onslaught of successive processes of contamination, inoculated by its detractors and by bad practices of some actors, it faces the second quarter of the century hand in hand with high technology. It does so with
the experience gained in recent years, replete with successive transformations and adaptations, and with several lessons learned from successes and failures. After many initiatives that entered the communication ecosystem under the long shadow of improvisation, with the conviction that in the digital world little capitalization was needed and that there were many opportunities, now, thirty years later, planning and detailed study of the projects that are launched seem to prevail.
It is not a survival insurance, but it is a guarantee to develop projects far from speculations and advocates of precise solutions to concrete problems. As the promoters of new digital native media have specialized advisors in the field and apply scientific research results, the projects show more solvency. With the disruptive emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence, the challenges multiply and renewed opportunities appear so that, through partnerships between consultants and researchers in Communication, the designs of new digital newspapers are improved, incorporating AI in the processes, cultivating a more human and human-made journalism. At this time, when the journalistic world is designing strategies with an eye on the horizon of 2030, what the experience of the last thirty years of digital journalism advises is the application of more planning - study and test projects - in order to reduce the number of failures and strengthen the digital communication ecosystem with solvent and sustainable digital media.
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